The first step in producing a Numerology Chart is to work out the numbers that are present in your given "Birth Name" and your "Date Of Birth".
To do this we need a method of converting the letters in your name into numbers and NO, we do not number the letters 1 to 26. Instead we use either of the two tables below.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |
J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R |
S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
A = 1 | B = 2 | C = 3 | D = 4 | E = 5 | F = 8 | G = 3 |
H = 5 | I = 1 | J = 1 | K = 2 | L = 3 | M = 4 | N = 5 |
O = 7 | P = 8 | Q = 1 | R = 2 | S = 3 | T = 4 | U = 6 |
V = 6 | W = 6 | X = 5 | Y = 1 | Z = 7 | | |
As already mentioned during the
I will be using the Pythagorean System (sometimes referred to as the "Western System") throughout these pages in all the examples. It relates better
to the 26 letters in our alphabet and is used by Numerologists throughout the Western World.
The numbers you will see generated later are more commonly known as "Vibrations" as they vibrate and interact together in order to create an
individual profile.
There are two key sets of numbers we need to find in order to work out a Numerology Chart for someone. The first set of numbers are derived from your "Date Of Birth"
(referred to as DOB from here on) and are more commonly known as Life Numbers. These numbers help to give us an overview of the path chosen for you this time
around (it helps a little if you believe in Reincarnation, but you get the idea). The second set of numbers are derived from your "Birth Name" and are
more commonly known as Name Numbers. These numbers are more personal and help us to define in more detail what you are like as a person; what others think
of you; who you are compatible with; what lessons you are here to learn etc. As you can see, using both these sets of numbers we can find out quite a lot of information
about an individual.
By "Birth Name" we mean the name you were given at birth (ie: what is stated on your "Birth Certificate"). There are a few deviations
from this however where an individuals current name may have to be taken into account while producing a Numerology Chart. For example, a woman that has been married for
a long period of time and took on her husbands surname. In this case while her "Birth Name" will always shine through, you may need to consider the vibrations
generated by her living under another name. An example for man might be someone called say "Richard Western". He never uses "Richard" as
he prefers to be called "Dick", and always has done. In this case again, we should really consider using "Dick Western" to produce a Numerology
Chart. The similar principal would be followed for someone who was adopted and had their name changed, or changed their name by deed pole etc. It all depends on the
length of time they have lived under an alternate name. If someone has one or more middle names but never uses them, you should also consider dropping them for
the purposes of generating a chart.
Taking things one step further, using combinations of these numbers along with others found for current and future dates, it is possible to use Numerology to help
predict future events (things to come). Knowing this, you can help yourself prepare for the worst or look forward to the good times ahead. Nothing is "Cast In
Stone" however, the main thing to remember is that we are all here to learn lessons in life. While you may help yourself avoid a situation today, you will more
than likely have to face it tomorrow or the next day.
Below I am going to show you how to calculate the common numbers required to produce a Numerology Chart. I am not going to explain the meaning behind each possible
number within each section as I would need to write a book on the subject; and to be honest others have already done that which is how I learnt to do it in the first
place. I may include some this information at a later date. However, you can follow the link at the bottom of these pages to produce a basic Numerology Chart, which you
can print from within your browser. Should you require a more detailed Numerology Chart then please see the details at the bottom of our
Generate A Chart
page. Please also feel free to use our "Contact Us" page to ask a question etc and I will do my best to give you an answer.
In the examples below we are going to find the numbers for "MARY PATTERSON" who was born on the "23rd July 1962".
Life / Birth Path Number 
The Life number is very powerful in that it determines everything from your Main Personality Traits, Expectancies, Health, Love Style,
Compatibility with others, Job and Personal Power to name just a few.
The first step in calculating the Life Number is to work out which numbers relate to your Date Of Birth. This has been done in the example above. Next we add the
numbers together giving your "Compound Number". This compound number is then reduced further by adding the digits of the number together. This process is repeated
until you end up with a single digit (1 to 9) or a Master number 11 or 22 (there are other master numbers 33, 44, 55 etc. but they are beyond the scope of these
pages at present).
2 + 3 + 0 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 2 |
= |
30 |
3 + 0 |
= |
3 |
This number is often written as "3 / 30" as both numbers are used.
Personal Year Number 
Every individuals life revolves around a nine year cycle. The Personal Year number enables us to see which year within the cycle a person is on. Each cycle
runs from from one birthday to the next (NOT calendar years as in January to December).
The first step in calculating the Personal Year Number is to take the "Day" and "Month" the person was born along with the "Current
Year". In our example using Mary, the date we would arrive at would be 23rd July 2012 (assuming the current year is 2012). Next we add the numbers together.
This number is then reduced further by adding the digits of the number together. This process is repeated until you end up with a single digit (1 to 9) or a
Master numbers 11 or 22 (there are other master numbers 33, 44, 55 etc. but they are beyond the scope of these pages at present).
2 + 3 + 0 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 |
= |
17 |
1 + 7 |
= |
8 |
It is also possible to take this approach one step further down to a Month by Month level in a similar manner to Astrology. This is done by adding the
Karmic Number (see below for details) to the Month and Year in question. So, if we are interested in October 2012 for Mary this would be as follows:
8 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 |
= |
14 |
1 + 4 |
= |
5 |
We can therefore see that in October 2012, Mary will be affected by the vibration for number 5. At some point in the near future I will add a page
regarding these general monthly vibrations for those interested in it.
Important Years 
Calculating years that are of significance to an individual, is starting to use Numerology in a predictive manner. The first important year is calculated
simply by adding the "Day", "Month" and "Year" a person was born together.
During an important year you would expect one or more major events to occur. Major events can be good or bad and by major they don't have to be events like
getting married or buying a house. Often subtle changes if your life can have quite major affects later on. To find other important years we take the year the
person was born and add the individual digits of that year to itself.
1962 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 2 |
= |
1980 |
If we take this new year of "1980" and repeat the process, we will get another important year "1998" (ie: 1980 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0). Go on,
try it for yourself. It is actually amazing just how accurate this can be. Our Numerology Chart generator works out all the important years since Birth to
the present day and we even calculate the next 2 future years for you.
Other fortunate dates can be found using the Life number calculated above. In Mary's case, being a number 3, we can say that Tuesday will be her best
day of the week (Sunday being 1 and 8), March will be her best Month and that the 3rd of every month will also be fortuitous.
Life Numbers (as described above) are always more prominent than the numbers derived from the name. This is largely due to the fact you can't change the day
you were born where you can change your name. For this reason Name Numbers are sometimes termed as having secondary significance. In truth they should not
be discounted as they help produce a more rounded picture of an individual.
Important Note: A persons Birth Name should never be ignored when producing a Numerology Chart as it will always shine through into the current
personality. Instead you should see what changes have been made due to the change in name (this is also the case with women who are married and use their husbands
surname - as mentioned near the top of this page).
There is a line of thought by some Numerologists that says you should use the name a person is more commonly known by. Take someone called "Richard Western"
for example, he always uses and is known as "Dick Western". They would therefore produce a chart based on "Dick Western". However, most Numerologists
would use his proper Birth Name of "Richard Western" to produce a chart and see what alterations would be made using "Dick Western". The actual
chart produced would lean more towards the original name if the alternate name was more negative.
It is surprising how many people change their name to gain better vibrations from the numbers it produces. But the opposite can also happen by those unaware of
the consequences. How many times have you heard "She's never been the same since she married him". No, I am not saying it is just because of a change in
name - but then again?). So, a certain amount of intuition, practice and experience goes into producing Numerology Charts. By practising you will quickly find
out what works best. A quick way to see effects of variations in a persons name is to use our Numerology Chart generator which takes most of the hard work out
of it for you.
Destiny / Personality Number 
The Destiny number, combined with the next two numbers (Expression and Heart numbers), helps to refine your personality even further from that already
outlined by your Life number.
4 |
1 |
9 |
7 |
7 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
5 |
9 |
1 |
6 |
5 |
The first step in calculating the Destiny Number is to work out which numbers relate to EVERY letter in your name. This has been done in the example above.
Next we add the numbers together giving your "Compound Number". This compound number is then reduced further by adding the digits of the number together.
This process is repeated until you end up with a single digit (1 to 9) or a Master number 11 or 22 (there are other master numbers 33, 44, 55 etc. but they are
beyond the scope of these pages at present).
4 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 7 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 9 + 1 + 6 + 5 |
= |
59 |
5 + 9 |
= |
14 |
1 + 4 |
= |
5 |
This number is often written as "5 / 59" as both numbers can be used. Many Numerologists ignore Name based compound numbers stating they are not
relevant. Our chart generator currently does not support these numbers but will one day.
Expression / Impression Number 
The Expression number relates more to how other people see you (in other words those sometimes dreaded "First Impressions"). Sometimes, it can be
difficult for an individual to see these traits in themselves (you have to be really honest with yourself).
The first step in calculating the Expression Number is to work out which numbers relate to the consonants in your name. This has been done in the example above.
Next we add the numbers together. This number is then reduced further by adding the digits of the number together. This process is repeated until you end up with
a single digit (1 to 9) or a Master number 11 or 22 (there are other master numbers 33, 44, 55 etc. but they are beyond the scope of these pages at present).
4 + 9 + 7 + 2 + 2 + 9 + 1 + 5 |
= |
39 |
3 + 9 |
= |
12 |
1 + 2 |
= |
3 |
NOTE: The letter Y is a special case. When it is used in a persons name and sounds like a vowel (the letter 'I' or 'E') then it is treated as a
vowel and not a consonant. This can be seen in the example above. However if the 'Y' was silent for example, then it would be treated as a normal consonant.
Heart / Motivation Number 
The Heart number relates more to your inner personality (in other words, how you see yourself). Again, it can be difficult for an individual to see these
traits in themselves (again you have to be really honest with yourself).
The first step in calculating the Heart Number is to work out which numbers relate to the vowels in your name. This has been done in the example above. Next
we add the numbers together. This number is then reduced further by adding the digits of the number together. This process is repeated until you end up with a
single digit (1 to 9) or a Master number 11 or 22 (there are other master numbers 33, 44, 55 etc. but they are beyond the scope of these pages at present).
1 + 7 + 1 + 5 + 6 |
= |
20 |
2 + 0 |
= |
2 |
NOTE: The letter Y is a special case. When it is used in a persons name and sounds like a vowel (the letter 'I' or 'E') then it is treated as
a vowel and not a consonant. This can be seen in the example above. However if the 'Y' was silent for example, then it would be treated as a normal consonant.
The only exception to this is when the 'Y' is the only vowel in a syllable, in which case it is treated as a vowel.
Missing Numbers 
Missing Numbers help us to identify the lessons an individual is here to learn this time around. These lessons will be a recurring theme throughout their
4 |
1 |
9 |
7 |
7 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
5 |
9 |
1 |
6 |
5 |
As with the Destiny Number, the first step in calculating the Missing Number(s) is to work out which numbers relate to EVERY letter in your name. This has
been done in the example above. Next we produce a little chart as shown below to determine how many times each number exists within your name. The numbers that
are therefore missing from your name (zero in the table) relate to the Lessons you are here to Learn this time around (again this is easier to relate to if you
believe in reincarnation).
1 occurs 3x |
2 occurs 2x |
3 occurs 0x |
4 occurs 1x |
5 occurs 2x |
6 occurs 1x |
7 occurs 2x |
8 occurs 0x |
9 occurs 2x |
Mary's missing numbers and therefore 'Lessons to Learn' are 3 & 8.
Karmic / Fadic Number 
Some Numerologists place no importance on the Karmic number and some don't even calculate it correctly (not that its difficult). The 'Karmic Path' is like
an overview of an individuals Life Path.
Karmic numbers are very easy to work out. First we take the Destiny Number (as described above) and add the Life Number (as described above) to it. The
resulting number is reduced to a single digit (1 to 9) or a Master number 11 or 22 (there are other master numbers 33, 44, 55 etc. but they are beyond the
scope of these pages at present).